Members will recall that we had a successful ‘social’ tour to South Wales in September 21 and it has been suggested that we hold a similar event in 2022 to another area. Others will recall that we also visited Llanerchindda several years ago and these events were also greatly enjoyed.
Accordingly it is proposed that we visit the North West in the Spring and I have identified ‘The Fat Lamb’ at Kirkby Stephen as a venue. This is a small pub which runs similar car tour services to Llanerchindda in their area.
However in order to justify an organised tour, they need to have a minimum of 9 rooms let to a group, so I am looking for expressions of interest from members. Ideally, we should have 12 bookings which will mean that we fill the venue.
I have made a provisional booking for 20th -22nd May inclusive.
Costs are £517.50 for a couple, bed breakfast and evening meal. (£348.75 single occupancy)
Links are attached for further information
Please let me know your interest just as soon as possible so I can firm up the booking. A provisional event has been added to the Calendar –