Auto Solo and Auto Test

An Auto Test is a test of your driving skill around a series of cones and against the clock. It is often considered as the most competitive driving anyone can do short of getting a competition licence and driving on a circuit with all that is entailed. Lincolnshire has a fine tradition in this event and many members over the years have enjoyed the challenge and many have done extremely well in both local and national club level. On numerous occasions, we have had winners of individual class awards and team winners of the BMC Trophy and Califonia cup in the prestigious events run by our Main Club

So before we take part our car is checked over to make sure it is safe. This is simply checking that the wheels are secure, checking that the battery is securely fixed into it’s position, checking there is brake fluid in the system, the steering is responsive and finally that there are no loose items in the car that could fly out and injure the driver or indeed an official or marshal on the event. As you will have noticed non of these items are any more onerous than those checked at our annual MOT and if your car can pass an MOT then our scrutineer will pass it as suitable for testing your driving skill. Just one more item that can be done and is often checked at larger events is to have a piece of YELLOW tape around the battery lead that is to the earth point of the car. On many of our cars that is the negative battery lead but older cars pre 67 can be the positive battery lead these are positive earth vehicles.

Once that is all complete pay your small entry fee and attend an event. The organisers will give you a diagram of the test, you will have the opportunity on most occasions to walk around the course, then you will position yourself on the start line and the timing official will allow you to start. At this point, you simply go like hell for leather around the course hopefully navigating it as you were instructed. If you do this successfully the timing official will issue you will a time that will be carried forward to you overall time for the day. If at the end of the day you have the shortest time you will be declared the winner.

Of course, winning is not that easy but what will happen is that you will have a great day driving your car spiritedly without the fear of collision and, damage or points on you licence doing similar things on the public highway so give it a go.

What is an Auto Solo?

Unlike the Autotest that could require the entrant to drive in reverse or perhaps stop at a predetermined point on the course, an AutoSolo simply requires the competitor to drive a fixed course as quickly as possible. Again it is measured against the clock and is simply a one lap sprint. Again many people find this an exciting event simply being allowed to drive their car as quickly as possible without fear of damage or points on the licence from driving on public roads. Again the total time for the day’s events is added up and the winner, of course, is the competitor with the lowest total time. Class awards are given both in Autotesting and Autosolo to allow different vehicles to have a chance. Some people suggest that a turbo engined car will have an advantage (have they driven a turbo? possibly not) or perhaps a 1800 cc variable valve controlled engine will be a major advantage, who knows but class awards sort these issues out and hopefully we are all on a level playing field

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Past Events


Autotest Results for 9th October 2022

The final Lincolnshire Centre autotest of the season was held…


September 11th Autotest

The results of the September 11th Autotest are available in…


Autotest 11th September 2022

for full results see spreadsheet Autotest 11th September 2022 Competitors…

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